Deeper meanings
The emotional origin of shoulder pain may be found right here.
Are you carrying the weight, worry and responsibility of the world, family and friends? We often talk about carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders without connecting to the pain. Here is where also carry the worry, guilt and a feeling of being burdened with other issues.
All health issues are really internal states of disharmony, lack of peace and stress within the physical body may be buried from many years ago or be recent issues, and often traced to events from long ago, and here is where we begin to see that everything is connected.
In kinesiology shoulder issues can originate from the stomach meridian, so looking at diet, replacing or boosting what we lack, and the emotional elements would all be worked with to release and create more harmony. Maybe we are not experiencing life joyfully because we are carrying so much for others.
Releasing deep feelings can be done gently when held and cared for appropriately. Opening the right questions to create a conversation and allowing deep stillness in treatment really helps to bring mind and body together, creating big change. Kinesiology allows me to work with your needs in order of priority.
So, with all that said, imagine a sense of peace, clarity and calm, bringing a deeper connection within yourself and to those you love by working to heal and maintain good health.
When you are ready, I would be delighted to hear from you. Feel free to email me at