Deeper meanings
Listen to your body when it whispers, so you don’t have to hear it scream. I often find that the cause of neck pain is often that we see the world through the mind and not the body. I have a little saying that helps me attune to my wholeness.
‘Head meet my body!’
Neck pain can be so tricky, and in fact, everything seems complicated when we have neck problems. Not being able to move our neck can make us feel rigid and out of our depth in our environment and relationships. Having a flexible attitude, allowing and listening to the messages our body sends us is not always easy, but when we seek help and start to listen to “what do I need to support me right now?” Something will resonate and will set the pain free.
So, with all that said, imagine a sense of peace, clarity and calm, bringing a deeper connection within yourself and to those you love by working to heal and maintain good health.
When you are ready, I would be delighted to hear from you. Feel free to email me at