How we maintain wellness is up to us and is unique to each person., I can work with four different clients in a day, and each one will have a whole, nourishing experience from the next. And this is why I love Kinesiology! While working in priority mode, kinesiology will be guided by what you present, so no two people will ever be the same, perhaps some similarities but their stories will be different. However, this unique treatment will take into account the wholeness of each person and will provide Wellness Within the treatment, I will be treating the person, not the condition.
Here’s what I need to maintain my wellness….it may take some time!
A walk in the countryside with my gorgeous dogs, organic healthy food, time to practice mindfulness and meditate each morning, a kinesiology session to re-balance, a session at the gym, a supportive and loving family, mindful awareness of my physical energy, a healthy dose of sage clearing, using salt lamps in various rooms, listening to spiritual and mindfulness podcasts and my favourite at the moment is Tara brach and Michael Stone teachings, a beach visit to St Agnes Cornwall with close friends, classical music, soul music, organically crafted supplements, my little brown bottles ( Bach Flower remedies) Crystals, and lately the beautiful work of Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy. We each can create our own versions of wellness.
Give yourself permission to create your authentic version of wellness x