Can we just pause for a moment or two?
I know for myself, learning to inhabit my body initially felt like learning a new language or learning to drive for the very first time. But really what we are doing when we start to inhabit our bodies is mostly remembering what we forgot.
❍ Can you make yourself a little more comfortable right now?
❍ Are you feeling the support of the ground?
❍ There’s unconditional support for you from the ground, could you let yourself receive that support more fully?
❍ Could your hands have less effort and tension right now? and can you be aware of the sounds around you as you’re reading this, and still feel that support on the ground?
❍ Can you soften your eyes and relax your jaw?
❍ Can you drop your shoulders away from your ears?
❍ How would it feel to fill the lungs and do a very complete exhale, pause, and then let the next breath come in on its own? Maybe 3 times?
❍ Can you feel the sensations around your heart? And sense your heart beating, right where it sits between your lungs?
❍ How about softening your belly and letting it expand with your next breath?
❍ Can we stay here for a little while, can we take a pause right now?
May each of us find our own ways to listen, through our bodies 🙏🏾