Your nervous system has been working hard to adapt to this stressful and traumatic time. That deep tiredness we have been experiencing might be ‘burn out’, as our bodies have had space to rest we are more than likely (even if you are not aware) holding so much more, than ever before, as a collective. We have become connected to the whole world through this pandemic, and collectively we have the same concerns, the worries about our loved ones, the economy, jobs, bills, the homelessness, sickness and more. We care deeply about each other.
When my mind is in the future,
or I have racing thoughts I have been asking myself, “am I embodied?”
The body is a direct representation of our inner world. When my mind and body feel disconnected, I know. It has taken years of practice and repeating those words”am I embodied feels calm, and from this place, I notice my breath, I make better choices, I feel connected to everything I do, and life flows smoothly. When I am disembodied, I might feel fearful, do everything in a hurry and have negative thoughts. Not only that, my body feels tight, and my shoulders also ache.
And so, to shift, we must take the time to slow down, take a deep breath and begin to hold our bodies with tenderness.
There are many ways to slow down, and I give my clients information to support and empower them during sessions and afterwards, I want them to continue with healing outside of their sessions.
As you may already know, all my sessions are now online. The future of therapy work and is an excellent opportunity to embrace the unknown. So far, we have had so much of the unknown to embrace, and here online, I provide a place of refuge to support whatever may turn up.
Recently I have helped clients to find a place of resource that they can turn to in moments of stress, and we have worked with what is presenting, everything tailored to their needs as I would do in a kinesiology session.
You are in my thoughts and do take care; I am here if you need me, please feel free to email or text anytime. Much love Pauline.
To book your online appointment, you can call me on 01225 892084 or 07809 504441
Clinic: Whitehart Cottage, Sheepfair Lane, Marshfield, Wiltshire SN14 8NA